Easter Holiday Information
School finishes - Friday 4th April at 2pm - No After School Club.
Summer Term begins - Wednesday 23rd April - New timings of 8.40am - 3.20pm.
If you have any issues or concerns over the Easter Holidays, please contact:
Mr O’Farrell, Mrs Cahillane, Mrs McDonald or Mr Brennan (Chair of Governors) - our Child Protection Officers, on the below email.
If you have an Online Safety issue, please contact directly below:

Quick links
Contact us
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School and Nursery Registered: Clifton Road, Kenton, Harrow, HA3 9NS OFSTED Registration - 142558
School Telephone - 020 8204 8902 General Enquiries office@stbernadette.harrow.sch.uk Safeguarding Email - safeguarding@stbernadette.harrow.sch.uk
Mr D. O'Farrell - Headteacher Mrs P. Cahillane - Deputy Head Teacher / Inclusion Manager Mr E. Brennan - Chair of Governors
Mrs C O'Dwyer - SENCO Mrs C Rose - Business Manager Mrs P Monaghan - School Office Administrator