Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values are developed to prepare the children for the next stage of learning; from Nursery/Primary to Secondary School and to enable them to be successful individuals in the community. We expect everyone to develop and show a sense of responsibility and self-discipline whether alone or together at work or at play. In doing so, we actively promote the common good and British values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs) to prepare our pupils for life in modern day Britain.
We would like this school to be an extension of the family unit, influencing for good the development of your child’s character and personality in a secure and happy environment. We have high expectations of good behaviour based on the teachings of Jesus Christ through the Gospels and on mutual respect and consideration for our fellow human beings. We have one main school rule ‘to treat others as we would like to be treated.’
We want the children’s time at St Bernadette’s School to be happy and successful so that when they leave us they will do so happily and confidently as well adjusted young people, growing in the love of Christ with positive attitudes to work and to other people, and ready to face the challenges of an ever widening and changing community.
We realise the important decision you are making in choosing the right school for your child. Please come and visit our school so that you can see exactly what we are trying to achieve here in our happy, safe and successful environment.
Our Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. We have an emphasis on developing confident, fluent readers and use ‘The Power of Reading’ to put reading at the centre of our curriculum and our learning. As a Catholic School we recognise R.E as a core subject and we adhere to a Diocesan-wide curriculum; ‘In God’s Name’ extended by our ‘Building the Kingdom’ and ‘Lifesavers’ approach to developing the curriculum, all of which are based within the requirements of the Religious Education Curriculum Directory.
We work closely with the local Parish, our parents/carers and the community in embedding our strong links. We foster an ethos of serving both individuals and society (the Common Good). Opportunities to seek awe and wonder are embedded throughout the curriculum. Moreover the school aims to encourage children to strive for personal excellence in all aspects of the curriculum to help children live out the Gospel values of their Christian lives.
Our pupils are offered a very wide range of experiences, ‘first- hand’ where possible, to extend their understanding of themselves, the community they live in and the world in which they live.
Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values are developed to prepare the children for the next stage of learning; from Nursery/Primary to Secondary School and to enable them to be successful individuals in the community.
We believe that effective learning takes place when there is considerable emphasis on active involvement with opportunities to talk both imaginatively and expressively to explain and clarify thinking. We make meaningful connections for all pupils across all subjects with cross curricular writing firmly embedded.
We expect everyone to develop and show a sense of responsibility and self-discipline whether alone or together at work or at play. In doing so, we actively promote the common good and British values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs) to prepare our pupils for life in modern day Britain.
We work closely with the local Parish, our parents/carers and the community in embedding our strong links. We foster an ethos of serving both individuals and society (the Common Good). Opportunities to seek awe and wonder are embedded throughout the curriculum. Moreover the school aims to encourage children to strive for personal excellence in all aspects of the curriculum to help children live out the Gospel values of their Christian lives.
Our pupils are offered a very wide range of experiences, ‘first- hand’ where possible, to extend their understanding of themselves, the community they live in and the world in which they live.
Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values are developed to prepare the children for the next stage of learning; from Nursery/Primary to Secondary School and to enable them to be successful individuals in the community.
We believe that effective learning takes place when there is considerable emphasis on active involvement with opportunities to talk both imaginatively and expressively to explain and clarify thinking. We make meaningful connections for all pupils across all subjects with cross curricular writing firmly embedded.
We expect everyone to develop and show a sense of responsibility and self-discipline whether alone or together at work or at play. In doing so, we actively promote the common good and British values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs) to prepare our pupils for life in modern day Britain.
Our Aim
We provide a secure and welcoming environment in which relationships between all members of the school community are conducive to a happy, stable and purposeful learning atmosphere
We help the school community grow in accordance with the ideals of the Catholic Faith
Pupils develop lively enquiring minds, an active interest in knowledge and an enjoyment of learning, realising their potential and achieving high standards
We provide high quality teaching, resulting in high standards of learning
Children are provided with the tools to communicate effectively through speaking and writing and to express their feelings through varied art forms
Children’s knowledge and understanding of the scientific, geographical, historical and environmental aspects of the world in which we live are deepened, together with an appreciation of human achievements
Children’s are aware of their bodies, in terms of uses, how to be healthy and fit, to solve physical challenges in ways which demand the greatest effort, self- discipline and co-operation of all as part of a team
Mr. D. O'Farrell