School Day and Opening Hours
When we start the Summer Term on:
Wednesday 23rd April 2025,
we start our new timings of: 8.40am - 3.20pm.
The gates will open at 8.30am and school will start at 8.40am,
not 8.55am as we currently do.

New School Day for Children
School Gates Open - 8:30am.
School Registration Begins - 8:40am.
Break Time - 10:15am (KS1); 10:35am (KS2).
Lunch Time - 11:45am - 1pm.
School finishes - 3.20pm.
Breakfast and After School Club
Breakfast Club opens at 7:45am.
After School Club closes at 6pm.
School office opening hours: 8am - 4.30pm.
Our Assemblies are held on Friday's.
Infants (KS1) - 9am
Juniors (KS2) - 10am
Please note other assemblies/events can be subject to change. You can keep up to date with our School Newsletters.