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Our School Mission Statement


Our Liturgical Year 2023-2024

At St Bernadette’s our curriculum is underpinned by the events of the Liturgical Year. Our class displays and prayer tables reflect the appropriate Liturgical colour. During R.E. lessons we look at the events of the Church’s calendar and we celebrate many of them through Collective Worship or Class Assemblies.

In May and October the Pupil Chaplains lead weekly session for children and parents to say the Rosary together. We recognise the importance of the seasons of Advent and Lent as times of preparation and hold services in school to help to deepen the children’s understanding of the significant events in Jesus’ life.



September 2023
10/9/2023 - Education Sunday
15/9/2023 - New Term Mass 9.30am (All Saints)
22/9/2023 -  Year 6 Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
29/9/2023 - Year 4 Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
October 2023
Month of the Rosary
2/10/2023 ONE WORLD WEEK- Judaism
4/10/2023 - 70th Anniversary Mass 

70th Anniversary Mass 1953-2023

6/10/2023 -  St Teresa's House Day - non uniform/Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
13/10/2023 - St Francis' House Day - non-uniform/Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
17/10/2023 Reception Welcome assembly 2.00pm (School)

Reception Welcome Assembly


November 2023
10/11/2023 - Year 3 Mass 9.15am (All Saints)

29/11/2023 - Year 4 CCS Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral 

December 2023
4/12/2023 - Advent Services: 10.30am Infants/11.15am Juniors

12/12/2023 -  Penitential Services: 10.30am Y6/11am Y5/11.30am Y4
Infant Christmas production 2pm
13/12/2023 - Infant Christmas production 9.30am
Y4/5 Carol service 2.00pm
14/12/2023 -  Y3/6 Carol service 2.00pm


January 2024
12/1/2024 -  St Maximilian Kolbe House Day - non-uniform/Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
19/1/2024 - Year 6 Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
26/1/2024 -  Year 4 Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
February 2024
2/2/2024 - Year 5 Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
9/2/2024 -  Our Lady of Lourdes Mass 9.30am (All Saints)
14/2/2024 -  Ash Wednesday
23/2/2024 -  St Robert Southwell non-uniform/Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
March 2024
1/3/2024 -  St David's Day
Year 3 Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
26/3/2024 -  Y3 Easter assembly 10am

27/3/2024 - Stations of the Cross (Chaplains) 2pm


April 2024
1/4/2024 -  Lourdes Group travelling

19/4/2024 -  St Bernadette's Feast Day -Mass 9.30am

26/4/2024 -  70th Celebration Event for past pupils 7-9.30pm
Year 6 Class Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
May 2024
Month of the Rosary
3/5/2024 -  Year 4 Class Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
7/5/2024 -  Year 3 Crowning of Mary 2.30pm (School)
9/5/2024 - Ascension Thursday Mass 9.30am (All Saints)
24/5/2024 - Year 5 Class Mass 9.15am (All Saints)
June 2024
25/6/2024 -  First Holy Communion Thanksgiving Mass 11.00am (School)

28/6/2024 -  Feast of St Peter and St Paul Mass 9.30am (All Saints)
July 2024
1/7/2024 -  ONE WORLD WEEK- Islam
15/7/2024 - Leavers' Mass 6pm (school)

Our Liturgical Year 2022-2023

Autumn 2022

Beginning of Year Mass – to welcome everyone back for the start of a new school year.
Class Masses – Years 3 to 6 attend Mass at All Saints Church.
Pupil Chaplains’ Commissioning – the Pupil Chaplains make a public statement of their commitment to their new role.
House Masses – St Teresa House Mass – 7th October.
                              St Francis House Mass – 14th October.
October – the month of the Rosary. Pupil Chaplains lead weekly prayer groups for children and parents from Years 3 to 6.
Reception Welcome Liturgy – the children of the Reception classes have their jumpers blessed by Father Goodall as they are officially welcomed to the family of St Bernadette’s.
Feast of All Saints – 4th November – a celebration for all of the schools who are part of the All Saints Trust.
Advent Services – 5th December blessing of our Advent wreath.

Penitential Services – 12th December - Years 3 to 6 visit All Saints church for services led by Father Hector where they reflect on how they can prepare for the coming of Jesus.

Infant Christmas Production – Nursery to Year 2 celebrate the Nativity through Drama
Carol Services – Years 3 to 6 hold Carol Services at All Saints Church to celebrate the events of Jesus’ birth through readings and music.
CCS Carol Service – the choir attend the Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral and St Dominic's Catholic College.

Spring 2023

Epiphany – celebrated through Assemblies at school.
Class Masses – Years 3 to 6 attend Mass at All Saints Church.
House Mass – St Maximillian Kolbe House Mass – 6th January.
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes – 10th February -  a whole school Mass celebrated by Father Hector at All Saints Church.
House Mass – St Robert Southwell – 24th February.
Ash Wednesday – Father Hector visits school to lead services for KS1 and KS2, blessing and distributing ashes with the Pupil Chaplains.

Penitential Services – Years 3 to 6 visit All Saints church for services led by Father Hector where they reflect on how they can prepare for crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

Easter Assembly – 29th March - Year 3 tell the story of the events of Holy Week through Drama.

Stations of the Cross – 30th March - the Pupil Chaplains lead a reflection on the journey of Jesus to Calvary.

End of term Easter Service - We are Easter people (Whole School).


Our HCPT Pilgrimage to Lourdes April 2023

Lourdes 2023

Summer 2023

Lourdes Group travelling - 10th April 2023
St Bernadette’s Feast day Mass - 21st April 2023

Crowning of the May - 15th May 2023

Mass of the Acension 18th May 2023

Choir singing at HCPT Mass - Saturday 3rd June

Year 3 First Holy Communion Assembly - 16th June 2023
Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul Mass - 29th June 2023
 Year 6 Leavers’ Mass - 17th July 2023


Our Liturgical Year 2021-2022


Beginning of Year Mass – to welcome everyone back for the start of a new school year.
Class Masses – Years 3 to 6 attend Mass at All Saints Church.
Pupil Chaplains’ Commissioning – the Pupil Chaplains make a public statement of their commitment to their new role.
House Masses – St Teresa House Mass – 7th October.
                              St Francis House Mass – 14th October.
October – the month of the Rosary. Pupil Chaplains lead weekly prayer groups for children and parents from Years 3 to 6.
Reception Welcome Liturgy – the children of the Reception classes have their jumpers blessed by Father Goodall as they are officially welcomed to the family of St Bernadette’s.
Feast of All Saints – 4th November – a celebration for all of the schools who are part of the All Saints Trust.
Advent Services – 5th December blessing of our Advent wreath.

Penitential Services – 12th December - Years 3 to 6 visit All Saints church for services led by Father Hector where they reflect on how they can prepare for the coming of Jesus.

Infant Christmas Production – Nursery to Year 2 celebrate the Nativity through Drama
Carol Services – Years 3 to 6 hold Carol Services at All Saints Church to celebrate the events of Jesus’ birth through readings and music.
CCS Carol Service – the choir attend the Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral and St Dominic's Catholic College.


Epiphany – celebrated through Assemblies at school
Class Masses – Years 3 to 6 attend Mass at All Saints Church
House Mass – St Maximillian Kolbe House Mass – 8th January
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes – a whole school Mass celebrated by Father Hector at All Saints Church
House Mass – St Robert Southwell – 21st February
Ash Wednesday – Father Hector visits school to lead services for KS1 and KS2, blessing and distributing ashes with the Pupil Chaplains.
Penitential Services – Years 3 to 6 visit All Saints church for services led by Father Hector where they reflect on how they can prepare for crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
Easter Assembly – Year 3 tell the story of the events of Holy Week through Drama.
Stations of the Cross – the Pupil Chaplains lead a reflection on the journey of Jesus to Calvary.

Our Stations of the Cross doors

'We adore you O Christ and we praise you because by your cross you have redeemed the world'. 



Patronal Festival Feast of St Bernadette – 16th April – Mass is celebrated by Father Hector at All Saints Church.
Father Hector celebrates the blessing of our Easter Gardens
Class Masses – Years 3 to 6 attend Mass at All Saints Church
Ascension Thursday – the whole school attends Mass at All Saints Church
May – the month of Mary. Pupil Chaplains lead weekly prayer groups for children and parents from Years 3 to 6 to pray the Rosary together.
First Holy Communion – children from Year 3 make their First Holy Communion at local parishes and come together for a year group assembly to celebrate.
Feast of Pentecost – celebrated by the whole school through assemblies with birthday cake to recognise the birthday of the Church.
Spirituality Week –Pupil Chaplains lead activities for the whole school to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Spirituality is explored through prayer, Drama, Music, storytelling and meditation.
Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul – the whole school attends Mass at All Saints Church.
Leavers’ Mass – Father Hector celebrates Mass to bless the Year 6 children and any staff members who may be leaving.
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