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SAFEGUARDING : Keeping Children Safe

new sgflyer2023

Designated Safeguarding Leads for Child Protection

Mr D O'Farrell (Head Teacher), Mrs P Cahillane, (Deputy Head/Inclusion), Mrs L McDonald (Assistant Head) and Mr E Brennan (Chair of Governors)
We are here to help, listen and support you!

Harrow Children's Services

If you live in Harrow, please call:
or Emergency Duty Team operates out of hours:

Brent Children's Services

If you live in Brent, please call:
 020 8937 4300 (option 1)
or Emergency Duty Team operates out of hours:

Harrow Social Services : Telephone - 020 8424 0999

If you have concerns about a child you can contact Harrow Social Services -
Office hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday but there is an Emergency Duty Service during weekends, bank holidays and between 5pm and 9am weekdays.
Out of hours - Social Services
The emergency duty social worker is available weekdays 5pm – 9am and all weekend and bank holidays. If a crime has been committed or you have immediate concerns about the safety of any adults at risk, please call the Police on 999 for an emergency response or 101 for a non-emergency response.
Children and Family Services
Telephone: 020 8901 2690
child line 2022
ceop 22

Child Protection

Our school wants to work with children, parents and the community to ensure the safety and protection of children and to give them the very best start in life. We aim to create an environment in our school which is safe and secure for all children. Through providing activities and opportunities in the PSHE curriculum we aim to equip our children with the skills they need to stay safe. E.g. we enable children to have the self confidence and the vocabulary to resist inappropriate approaches and encourage children to develop a sense of autonomy and independence.
We follow the guidelines laid down by the Local Safeguarding Children Board and staff receive regular training in Safeguarding. We have a culture of vigilance with everyone living the values of Safeguarding.
We work with Harrow's Duty Social Work teams and if a report is to be made to the authorities, we take advice in deciding whether we should inform the child's parents at the same time.
Copies of our Safeguarding policies (including Child protection) are available by clicking above or from the main office.

School Security

St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School and Nursery provides a secure site, which has controlled entry, but the site is only as secure as the people who use it. We ask all people visiting the site to abide by our security procedures. Gates are locked except at the start and end of each day. Doors should be closed to prevent intrusion but to facilitate smooth exits. Visitors, volunteers and parents must only enter through the main entrance and after signing in at the office window. Children will only be allowed home with adults with parental responsibility or confirmed permission. Children are not allowed to leave school alone during school hours, and if collected by an adult, they must be signed out.


We take the issue of bullying very seriously at St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School and Nursery. We have an anti bullying policy which is reviewed annually. We investigate all reports of bullying from pupils, parents/carers and others and work with all the parties to talk through and resolve the situation. Bullying is defined as when a child is deliberately being made unhappy over a sustained period of time. We make anti bullying high profile through assemblies, our curriculum and our active participation in Anti bullying week every year.

Internet Safety

Whether on a computer or laptop at school or at home, a games console or mobile phone, children are increasingly accessing the internet, whenever they can and wherever they are. At St Bernadette's we recognise that, in addition to the Internet being a great tool to support our children’s learning, there are a number of risks for our children when online.
At St Bernadette's, we take Internet safety very seriously. All our staff and pupils are aware of their responsibilities to promote safe and secure use of the Internet and school computer equipment and to follow school Internet safety procedures.
All pupils cover Internet safety issues in ICT at the beginning of every school year and every half term. These issues are revisited and monitored by the class teacher on a regular basis. This includes ensuring that pupils know what to do if an Internet safety issue arises. All pupils have read and discussed with their teacher and signed an acceptable use of ICT policy.
At St Bernadette's parents/carers are encouraged to work in partnership with us. We also provide regular parent evenings with demonstrations and suggestions for safe home Internet use are also run at the school, and emailed information regularly.
For more information, please speak to the school office or email office@stbernadette.harrow.sch.uk 
age restrict 2024

Stranger Danger

Stranger Danger(2)
Whilst the risk posed by strangers is rare, it’s really important to make children aware of simple tips they can follow to keep themselves a little safer.
This video on Stranger Danger is designed to highlight a few key points, to be used to help you have that important conversation with your child. It is aimed at children aged 4 - 11 years. For parents, carers, families, teachers, schools and centres for young people to use to raise awareness and generate discussion that helps children keep safe.
We would advise you to talk to your child about who their safe adults are and where there are safe places near you if help is needed. It’s also important to think about safety on the internet and use of mobile phone apps and games that have ‘chat’ functions as this can be just as dangerous as a stranger in the street.
This video is one of a series of '60 Second Security' videos all around simple security advice. Designed to provide easy step by step tips, including advice on products and how to install and use them, helping to make you and your property that little bit safer.
Safeguarding 2022

Keeping Safe Displays

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