15th January 2025 - Closing date for applications.
Important - Please ensure you have filled in your online applications, for the borough you live in.
Primary School Admission Forms
New Reception Admission 2025 - 2026
In Year Admission 2024-2025
Nursery Admission Forms
In Year Admission 2024-2025
Admission Information
Please complete the relevant Supplementary Information Form for the year of entrance required.
We will also need a Certificate of Practice from your Priest, copies of Birth/Baptism certificates and proof of address.
Please return all documents to the School office or contact the school office for general enquires.
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School & Nursery, Clifton Road, Kenton, Harrow, HA3 9NS.
Appeals Process
Appeal deadline - 15th May 2025
To appeal a school place, please visit the Harrow Council Link below