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Fundraising at St Bernadette's

We are supporting

52 kindness

Easy Fundraising

We ask that you look at the easyfunding website because we have our own account set-up and we get money back when you use it, to raise money for St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School & Nursery.

Food Bank at St Bernadette's !

Contact the School office for more information

JACK'S PLACE, Northwick Park Hospital

As part of our charity work, every year each class chooses to fundraise.  We have chosen the local children's ward 'Jack's Place' at Northwick Park Hospital.  This is even more important this year because it is where Louise O'Halloran worked.
Lots of our present and previous pupils and families have benefitted from the tremendous work they do there.
Lent is upon us and most of us are thinking about cutting out certain luxuries or indulgences, however, we want to use the period of Lent to give something back and helping others.
Over the Lenten period could you please collect some items from the following list and bring into the school for Friday 26th March 2021, we will then donate these much needed items to the ward.
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